An Endless Redundancy with Olly Woods
Much like a Dating Profile of mine, I am doubtful of the true costs of being part of some people's Community. What Agenda. Why must we engage...? Alas, most problems are caused, escalated, exaggerated and Calculated by engaging with near-enough anything. Why bother now...?
Good Question.
I am trying to bring Irreverence back, in the vain attempt to become at least... Heard. As Pitiful as that sounds, I'd rather not even have that from you for what it's worth, so that just shows you where I BLOODY STAND. Hopefully that example can express that I'm able to be more self-aware than some Comedic-Voices. That'll be a string in my bow. GUESS WHAT ELSE?! WHO LIKES IRONY! Bit sickly, but there's fucking loads of it, as I LITERALLY LEARN LIKE RAINMAN, MYSELF/my 'isms, and all we absorb within our Lifetime period. Maybe I ought to avoid phrases like that if I want you focussed, and honed-in to me. BUT, without engagement, we know bollocks and fuck and no less, just merely bullshit, so we all need some light/thought/another white-washed Bri'rish los(n not v, am not an emo joker rip)er, with a difference. NO. GAMING. CHAIR.
; W
hilst I make myself maniacally laugh, I've brought in a Microphone, and probably copies of things (not carrot top, but 'slyly' ginger in sunlight) that make me laugh, or to build upon in an attempt to share some (probably frail in your own shite opinion) bars of Originality, from a largely Impoverished/Out of work, Creative-Waste. "Waste...": I adopted that word/phrase (I already knew the word for objects, or rotten food) when I felt I was myself, and the S fights the M ; Forevermore discovering, uncovered idiocy, that frailly encapsulates my passion for Art, Humour, and.. clearly an (in)eminent element of what I don't understand. All running through me, like Wagyu-fat. Just... 25% fat content. Porky, porky, what a malarkey. Doesn't rhyme. Waste of mine. Time, fine, over-the-line. Half-rhymes hit, some of the time. More syllables, but less of what's mine. TIME.
(lost dramatic weight (/+wait to my sex life) recently, due to an existential crisis. Lovely to grieve, even in the bonds of love. Already losing my sense of humour.)
"This guy's rhyme is a waste of my time. I feel unsettled, but, then again... I believe in Ghosts." -A review I made up
"Actually.. Not bad." - Has been the general sentiment when I really offer original ways of creating humour to others, when it works- for them too -, when other times I'm immobilised by depression. I bring boasts of adolescent wonder at 27 years old, as I've been (in my opinion), an aspiring Comedian my whole little hole, life. (pBPDoe)
Avid Question answering may or shall commence whenever you see it fit to deem me worthy of recompence(/"pounds and eskimo pence") I MEAN, THAT IS USUALLY HOW BRITAIN SOUNDS, BUT HERE IS THE E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR YOU, 'BUDDY':
Bit much, bit mad, or unrelated. However, I respect my brain, even through historic mental strifles.
An Endless Redundancy with Olly Woods
#15: Sometimes I end on a joke that is, “fishing”, right at the end. (Not4LazyDisinterestedBuggers - saaawii))
Send me ____________ through my E-mail at the footy(footer // bri'ish)
HOWEVER (SINCERELY, STIW (SORRY, SINCERELY(since I'm not a lying tory fuckwit, just an honest-hard-working-one...(?)) FOR THAT COLLOQUIAL DIG, AS I MENTION IN THE PODDY, I RECKON YOU'RE, 'WELL SMART' (not a direct quote), AND DANGEROUS, AND CLEVER COMPARED TO TORIES, yet: (un/)certainly(certi..? too far-right...? JOKE: HATE TATE. DEEEEPLY FAM'.) not inhuman enough not to have a sense of humour...? Love to anybody struggling, I'd say everybody needs it when we are!)
[Over-priveliged Tories may want to strap-on a proper low-class set of bollocks for this one. Try as they might, they'd be better off buying a set for their rounded SUV's bumper.] Certainly goes for most o' the cunts at my High school. WATCHDOG RECOMMENDS IN AN OVERTLY SUGGESTIVE MANNER, THAT SOME EX-JT CLASSMATES OF MINE TOOK LEEDS '15 (correction from the talky-talk) TOO SERIOUSLY/possibly thought of me as a fictional character, but, I may be risking too much trauma]): You may be too confused by stylistic choices, but I'm fishing for toooooooo fuuuhhucking muuuuuuuuuuuch. *Likened to near every fucker currently on the internet nowadays... dae nae treed aen mae (that's scottish: for any americans.)*.
FUCK ME, I'm enjoying my Sunday/Monday rambles... stinking with rage/autism-outbursts that I'm making up for in retrospect... Like distant lovers, "making up for lost time": I'm piss-cunting-bastard-lovely.
Well... CATCH YOUR MONOCLE NOW, bit like that old Peter Kay joke about the hob-nob falling into his cup in slow-motion: for any of you dirty-slutty-Mummy-Tories. Why apologise for Political discourse in 2024...(? FUCKING RHETORICAL, THAT IS WHY/NEEDLESS TO SAY AND STILL SAID BY AN IRISH-FOOL).
Enough incredibly genuine distractions, now... All I meant to say was, that I'm proud enough to say, you may stick around for the feckfest. Sorry if I repeat myself, but I AM INDEED STIW SOBER. Just kind of hard w/o a lil' Jamie of my own (IJ). MM&I(aye, me knab.)
Last page, is not the full-read. Test my length... you may like it. Up to you, AND ME.
Always welcoming more to my oddly-pictured e-mail address. Stay lovely, not fucking prick, pleeeeease xxxxx <3 (like the Truman Show News sign-off).
"I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.
Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...
Then, and, only then.
Be a Fan.
I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible. However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."
{Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}