An Endless Redundancy with Olly Woods

#12: Ghost a domestic abuser, and just respect identity and integrity. Ride a white swan, instead. Great film.

Mr O.W.W. Season 3 Episode 13

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[Very sensitive subjects tackled, but I honestly tried. Good as I suddenly felt. After an incredible family-day. My home drains me, and it takes a while to overcome ourselves. Some tosser (not just me): "being progressive, are we...?"]

I'm proud of myself, and I know I should be. But: some people iiiiin this bloody world (I think I find that for myself... I.Y.K.Y.K., and you are never ME. needless to say the rest, but on I go, backspacing for BUZZSPROUT. fucking joke in itself.)  have no integrity whatsoever. You never know what people are going through. Every day is a lesson... every second may stray from       your       self, in order to feed the herd - and on THAT tiny note: why should my podcast be intentionally misunderstood, as well as suffocated...? Like the tiny will' of SOME men, out there.    Not me, inverse-pervert.

Life is much more oblivious of you than you may,    'e   v   e   r'       ,  realise. I                realise.                 Isolation is truly solitude... like every individual can feel, it's trapped, and alone. In THEIR brains. Unless you live in a block and are an extrovert, THEN, you truly live in public, like me, my friend.

I have trigger depression. & If I didn't have it before,
I legitimately blame my neighbour, and smile as I write this bit.

[Anybody triggered MAY not respect me enough to humanise me with the integrity of wherever you stand in life. It's not embarrassing to misunderstand people... I'm a wordsmith, and I may fail within my integrity of respecting you with the equal human-rights I believe in.
And my, talents.

Please write in. Please don't be ashamed of yourself. It's not the point of who I am.

Perhaps we've bonded, because you can't please them all.
Sorry if you hated it. I obviously love you for loving it. Not like that. Tepid responses for those who aren't willing to hear me out. My life is never a book-burning. Nanny is a goat. Personal integrity is earned, not granted. Or: you take people who aren't  you, for granted.]

Apologies for mis-translations, and being annoyingly fucking English. I mean that.
I'd wager we didn't even create the phrase, "lost in translation". (FUCKING JOKE FUCKWITS). (Sorry for joking.)

Mentalism, may be my listed profession; after this.          Still sober!!! Love my brain, that's why the lack of self-harm, as-of-late.

"I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

Then, and, only then.

Be a Fan.

I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

{Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}

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