
Oliver Woods

uking waste of time going along with trends, so I'm trying to do my own thing, on my own, as nobody shares my interests, but I've had the galling tongue to make others interested in my own Comedic tastes since I was a child, and I think that's when I've felt most elated, most pride, and simultaneously low from the Honest I owe to my own Dignity.

THANKS GUYS, VALUED GUYS. THERE, THERE, BUDDY. YOU'RE A PAL, FRIENDYPOO. CHUMMY MATEY PAL BUDDY. Could've just written that in the first place, innocuously, couldn't I? 

Not Jammy,
Not Loved,

This trying all above.

I’m grossly underwhelmed by life…? That’s additional. Could be more bumfucked, but also… it really was never the aim. Not if that’s how you handle my bum’s tensions, and malcontents (all the shit in life).