An Endless Redundancy with Olly Woods

#10: You're a boring cunt... make you a/our Monster/Master

Mr O.W.W. Season 3 Episode 11

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They did the mash, and I don't want to get mashed for no fucking reason anymore.

Withdrawal syndrome is acting up, and I'll warn. Not everybody has the time to listen to what and how I think, but, since you truly do not know me... Get fucked. Please yourself.

Title is a Dead Kennedys referral. I'd say reference, but I'm trying to express myself, and not get grossly misinterpreted by a nosey careless cunt with 0% heart or experience. People get pissed off, and pissed on. No services are good enough, unless you help them to help you, help yourself, and THEN YOU GET FUCKING BORED AND COME TO REALISATIONS OF YOUR OWN.

True love awaits. Boredom fascinates.
Lies occur consistently. Not from "this" autistic cunt though. Any fellow members of the Neurodivergent community? Speak with me, and mistrust me. It's instinctual to defend yourself. But if a noise complaint causes someone to regress to the missing link... MISSING LINKS CAN ACTUALLY THROW A FUCKING PUNCH. AND I DO FUCKING MEAN THE SCIENTIFIC MISSING LINK. ASK IF YOU DON'T FUCKING GET IT. COMMON FUCKING DECENCY AND RESPECT. NOT MERE VIOLENCE. You mere and insincere: cunt.

I'm living good. I'm loving good. I just say when I feel vile, and move-on. As should humanity.

Taking self-defence classes. Not like a woman. More like the woman from, "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo", in my overcooked fucking stewing brain.

Nobody's fault. Nobody helps. But I've people who sincerely love me now, and I wouldn't ruin that for the world. The conditions break, from time to time, and love is a much greater law to abide by. That would mean the world is moreso designated to misinterpret me, to save Gov.Funding. Well... I'm LOVING all the PIP. DON'T STOP NOW, GOV.BABYBITCH


"I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

Then, and, only then.

Be a Fan.

I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

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